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Improving Students Science Process Skills Through Investigation Practicum by Utilizing Marine Resource in Indramayu High School Students
Agri Teguh Wibowo (a*), Sri Anggraeni (b), Amprasto (b)

a, b) Master in Biology Education, School of Postgraduates, Indonesia University of Education



Abstract. Science process skills are needed in 21st century learning, so that it must be developed in the learning process. The aims of this study was to determind the improvement of students science process skills through the development of investigation practicum by utilizing marine resources in Indramayu. The population in this study were all students of class X in Jatibarang 1 High School while the sample of this study was 40 students at X MIA. The research used a quasi experimental design with 15 essay items about science process skills as a research instrument. The experimental group was taught through the development of investigative practicum, while the control group was taught through a verification practicum. The results obtained from the t-test on normal and homogeneous data indicate that there are significant differences, the N-gain value of the experimental group is 0.43 and the control group is 0.26. Based on data analysis, science process skills between students who receive investigation practicum are better than students who receive verification practicum and science process skills students through investigation practicum learning are on the moderate category.

Keywords: Science process skills; Investigation practicum; Marine resources

Topic: Biology Education


Conference: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

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