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Comparison of Acceleration Python Library on Design and Implementation of QRS Detection Module from ECG Heart Signal
Cakra Adipura Wicaksana, Rinanda Febriani, Fadil Muhammad

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung


Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is one of importance signal from our body that sourced from heart. There are many benefits that can be obtained from ecg signals, for example can determine whether sleepy or not, whether stress or not, and several diseasses like arrhytmia, hypertension, heart failure, etc. In this research, we proposed module for extraction feature for ecg signal to Heart Rate Variability (HRV) parameters using GPU Acceleration. The output can be used for further analytics or another module, but in this research only emphasis on QRS detection and peak detection from ecg signal. The input will be ecg Signals and the output will be array of peak in every row. There have been various research trying to extract or detect QRS and peak based on Pan-Tomkins Algorithm, but this research will make use python and will compare the acceleration using some library. The flow comprise five main step, (1) load ecg signal, (2) filtered ecg, (3) derivative from filtered ecg, (4) squaring from derivative ecg, (5) convolution squaring ecg, and (6) peak detection using Fiducial Mark. The output will list of array that contain mark for every peak in every ecg signal. The overall module has been succesfully implemented and compared in python. The result show that computation using numpy is still better and faster for small array data. The Output of peak of array can be used to the next module.

Keywords: ecg, hrv, feature extraction, gpu, qrs, peak detection, pan-tomkins

Topic: Computer Engineering


Conference: Broad Exposure on Science and Technology (BEST 2019)

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