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Opportunities for Successful Business Through Online Media
D.J. Handriani (a) Tatan Tawami (b)

a) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


To start a job opportunity now, its no longer a difficult thing to do. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to make it easier for readers to develop their potentials and even to find out self-potential in reliable and successful entrepreneurship only through online media. We use descriptive methods for successful influencers and entrepreneurs in their respective fields. The results are starting from online business that has several elements to get success, ranging from business and potential formation process, pioneering business through online media, the role of online media itself, preparing capital, to the role of consumers and markets in the online business. We lift this research because of the growing development of telecommunication and information technology, internet facilities are available which now have created many virtual worlds and triggered to build businesses that do not require much cost and build businesses based on online media is also more quickly intertwined. And in the end, even the smallest potential that we have can be maximized only by capitalizing on online media and our reliability in managing an increasingly sophisticated online business. So with an online business, you no longer need to be afraid to find a job, even you can create your own job openings and pay yourself. Be someone who has an entrepreneurial spirit.

Keywords: E-Commerce

Topic: Informatic and Information System


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dezara Judithia Handriani)

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