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Smartphone App as Parabolic Motion Learning Resource
Kesia Angraini, Anthony Wijaya, Elisabeth, Djoko Wirjawan

Physics Education Study Program, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya


Parabolic motion is one of physics phenomenon which is included in high school physics. Conceptually it can be considered as a combination between motion with constant speed in horizontal direction and motion with constant acceleration in vertical direction. Although the parabolic motion phenomenon can be observed easily in real life, students still face difficulties to describe parabolic motion as combination of two kinds of motion and to determine the quantities related to parabolic motion. In this study, we developed a smartphone app as learning resource to help students in learning about parabolic motion. Smartphone app can provide more physics visualization which may help students to describe and understand the concept of parabolic motion qualitatively and quantitatively. Moreover, students can learn with smartphone app wherever and whenever they want, it is more flexible compared to traditional book. The developed smartphone app provides material, video-animation, exercise and quiz.

Keywords: smartphone app, learning resource, parabolic motion, high-school physics

Topic: Physics Education


Conference: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (ELISABETH PRATIDHINA)

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