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(1) Tuti haryanti , (2) Abrar Saleng , (3) Ahmadi Miru , (4) Winner Sitorus

Faculty of Law Hasanuddin University


Submission of halal certification in the UUPK which is voluntary in nature has become mandatory after the enactment of UUJPH. The existence of these rules requires businesses to apply for halal certification. Business actors who have obtained halal certificates must follow the halal production requirements. In fact, some business actors are unable to maintain the halal consistency of raw materials, additional to the product production process. This study aims to analyze whether business actors can be held liable The type of research used in normative research. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and then performed a encryption. The results show that the halal product process is a state command as a manifestation of Gods obedience. Inconsistency of business actors procedurally and in substance is an unlawful act (onrechmatige daad) because it results in transedental property, health and spiritual losses. Business actors are responsible for material and immaterial losses by providing cumulative compensation, so there is a need to renew the UUPK law as a step in synchronizing with UUJPH.

Keywords: Responsibility, consumers, losses

Topic: Trade and Business


Conference: The 1st International Conference on Trade, Business, Human Rights, and Globalization (ICTBHRsG 2019)

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