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Didactical and epistemological obstacles on the topic of geometry transformation
Lina Sunariah (1*), Endang Mulyana (1)

1) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


This study intends to investigate didactical and epistemological obstacles that occur when students solve the problem on the topic of geometry transformation. The data were collected from students- answer and interviews of 16 ninth graders and 16 twelfth graders when solving the test instrument used is five contextual problems and three problem description of geometry transformation. The data analysis reveals that most students have difficulty identifying contextual problems related to geometry transformation; not quite firm to know the characters from each type of geometry transformation (reflection, translation, rotation, and dilation); use procedural knowledge rather than conceptual understanding; and forget about the previous material related to geometry transformation. These findings are expected to overcome learning didactical and epistemological obstacles in teaching and learning of geometry transformation.

Keywords: Didactical obstacle; Epistemological obstacle; Geometry Transformation

Topic: Mathematics Education


Conference: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

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