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The Improvement of E-administration in Indonesia : An Analysis Based on U Theory and Quintuple Helix
Idi Jahidi, Ayuning Budiati



E-administration in Indonesia has an important role in public service deliveries. It is more efficient, effective, transparent and accountable by using e-administration. However, lack of infrastructure, leaders commitment in an integrated way in all areas in Indonesia, human resource e-literacy and bureaucratic and working culture are still occurred in Indonesia. This research uses qualitative method and descriptive analysis approach. Data and information are from literature review and interview some informans. By using theory u that consists of sensing, presencing, and co creating moreover by using Quintuple Helix then e-administration implementation in Indonesia can be improved. Key words: e-administration, Indonesia, theory u, Quintuple Helix

Keywords: e-administration, Indonesia, theory u, Quintuple Helix

Topic: Other


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Idi Jahidi)

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