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Public Information Transparency and Procurement of Construction Service Providers Based on Perception of Legislation to Realize Good Governance
Dewi Yustiarini1, Biemo W. Soemardi2, Krishna S. Pribadi3, Iris Maharani4

1) mahasiswi pascasarjana ITB
2), 3), dan 4) Dosen ITB


Public Information Transparency (KIP) is the Governments goal to realize good governance, known as good governance. To fulfill the right and the need for decent public services, a strong legal foundation is needed in the process of procurement of goods and services. Procurement of government goods and services guarantees legal certainty and provides protection for every citizen. The process of procuring government goods and services is carried out with the principles of good governance both in the aspects of the implementation of procurement and in the use of state finances. Several derivative regulations were made to discuss the procurement of Government goods / services in the field of construction services. Transparency for the procurement of construction service providers still provides a gap for only a few parties to know that the role of the community is still considered minimal. This study aims to identify KIP with the procurement of construction service providers based on the legal perspective. Collection of secondary data through laws and regulations related to the selection of construction service providers. The results of the study were discussed through focus group discussions and presented in the form of KIP relationship models with the procurement of construction service providers.

Keywords: procurement, construction, transparency, public

Topic: Public Policy


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dewi Yustiarini)

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