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Equatorial Thermocline Dynamics in Indonesian Maritime Continent during MJO Events in 2018
Hasti Amrih Rejeki (*), Imma Redha Nugraheni

School of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, The Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics of Republic of Indonesia
Jalan Perhubungan I No. 5, Komplek BMKG, Tangerang Selatan 15221, Indonesia


The Indonesian Maritime Continent is an area of propagation and crossing of Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) in phases 3, 4, and 5. The active MJO causes the increasing of convective activity and strong winds on the area it passed. In the active phase, the ocean will get a response from MJO activities as the response to strong westerly winds. The depth of the thermocline in the tropics varies from season to season and from year to year. MJO, as the intraseasonal variability is one of the causes for the variations in the depth of the thermocline layer. The objectives of this study are to investigate and properly understanding the equatorial thermocline dynamics related to MJO activity in the Indonesian Maritime Continent. By using the temperature data in 0 - 400 m of depth which obtained from Marine Copernicus, this study will investigate the equatorial thermocline dynamics which are precisely at 5N, 0, and 5S of latitude in the MJO phase 3, 4, and 5 area during the period of 2018. The results showed that the dynamics of the thermocline depth has a response to MJO according to the location of the activity. However, it also decreases the thermocline depth in the northern (southern) equator. The results of this study also show the relation of convective activity in the atmosphere with variations in thermocline depth which will also have an impact on weather conditions in the Indonesian region.

Keywords: Indonesian Maritime Continent; Madden Julian Oscillation; Equatorial Thermocline Dynamics

Topic: Coastal and Ocean Dynamics


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Maritime Sciences and Technology (MSAT 2019)

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