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Implementation and Optimation of UTOP Accident analysis for Pb-Bi cooled Fast Reactors Program in Cluster Computer
Zaki Su’ud, Nina Widiawati, Yanti Yulianti, Artoto Arkundato

1 Nuclear and Biophysics Research Div. ITB
2 Dept of Physics Lampung Univiversity
3 Dept of Physics Jember University


UTOP Accident is among important hypothetical accident in Pb-Bi Cooled Fast Reactors. In order to investigate the inherent safety performance of a Pb-Bi Cooled fast reactor a computer code to analyze Unprotected rod run-out Transient Overpower Accident (UTOP accident) is necessary. In this study improvement and parallelization of UTOP accident analyze code for Pb-Bi cooled fast reactors has been performed. The code adopts coupling of space time kinetic and transient thermal hydraulic analysis. Adiabatic approach of space time kinetic is adopted. The mathematical equations are discreetized and implemented on cluster computers using fortran language and MPI approach. The main challenge is the parallelization of the relatively tight coupled part of the program. The space time kinetic is basically relatively tightly coupled part so that difficult to be parallelized. On the other hands multi channels analysis in the thermal hydraulic part is particularly simpler for parallelization process. In general the program can significantly accelerated in the cluster computer with up to 40 core

Keywords: UTOP accident, inherent safety, MPI, space time kinetic

Topic: Nuclear and Radiation Computation


Conference: International Conference on Computation in Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2019)

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