Moveable Bridge Inspection in Ancam Port North Kalimantan
Sumargo*, Achmad Rusmanto
a) Department of Civil Engineering General Ahmad Yani University, Jl. Terusan Jend. Sudirman, Cibeber, Kec. Cimahi Selatan, Cimahi, Jawa Barat 40525, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering State Polytechnic of Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ciwaruga, Kec. Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40559, Indonesia
Keywords: Ancam Port, Movable Bridge, Pontoon
Topic: Civil Engineering
Conference: The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)
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