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Revitalization of the National Family Planning Policies
Dr. Muh. Kadarisman



Lately Family Planning Program in Indonesia is experiencing lethargy, until the government fails to control the pace of human growth. Research objective: analyzing the implementation of family planning program policies in Indonesia. The research uses descriptive methods and qualitative approaches. The results of the research: the implementation of the 2018 Family Planning Program policy in general has been going well and has a positive impact on the community, but the achievement has not been optimal according to the targets set in the MDGs. The programs standard, goals and output indicators are quite clear. The success of this program is inseparable from proper communication between organizational units, and implementing activities in the field with counseling methods. Officers have not been optimal in helping clients choose and decide on the type of contraception to be used, so the results are not sufficient. Coordination by the National Population and Family Planning Board with stakeholders institutions related to this program is well implemented, but not optimal.

Keywords: policy revitalization, family planning, policies

Topic: Government Policy


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Muh Kadarisman)

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