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Design and Development of Cross-Flow Turbine for Low Head Application
Abdul Muis, Muhammad Sadat Hamzah

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tadulako University


Cross-flow turbine is one of the quite popular hydraulic turbines, it is offering the simplicity in design and manufacturing process and also suitable for application at the low head water flow. Indonesia, as the tropical country has a lot of potential low head water flow and available all around the country, application of the cross-flow turbine will accelerate penetration of the environmentally friendly of the energy resources. Therefore, the availability of the low head cross-flow hydraulic turbine with high performance will be one of the effective and valuable solutions in providing electricity for the community, especially for the regions that still have no access to the national electricity provider. The research focus on developing the design of the cross-flow turbine that has a high performance and can be applied on the three meters of water head. The design of turbine considers the ease of obtaining construction materials, the simplicity of manufacturing or fabrication and the lowest level of the maintenance and repairs technology required. The developed design turbine has 90 % of efficiency at the design speed of 250 rpm. Turbine runner will be fabricated from four inch of steel pipe to minimize obstacles in fabrications and repairs including the materials resources.

Keywords: Hydraulic Turbine, Cross-Flow Turbine, Low Head and High Performance

Topic: Renewable Energy


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

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