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Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Cost Structure in Infrastructure Project of Flyover Based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Alexander Muhammad Nicodemus (a*), Yusuf Latief (b*)

a, b) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
a*) axl.civil10[at]
b*) yusuflatief73[at]


Abstract. OHS issues in Indonesia are still often overlooked. It appears that the number of work accidents are still high. Therefore, in early 2018 the government has decided to suspend all the elevated construction project in Indonesia including Flyover Project. It cause a negative impact such as casualties, material, time, cost etc. One of the factors that most hinders OHS implementation in the Project from the contractors point of view is the high cost of OHS implementation and the safety cost provided for OHS implementation by the owner are inadequate or even none at all. Safety cost planning can be done accurately if the activities based on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) on the project can be well defined. The Activity-Based Costing method provides more accurate information especially on complex structures and can provide information on cost items that are ignored in traditional methods. The research methods used are archival analysis, case study, survey, and expert judgement. The research result the safety cost in flyover project that is expected to obtain a decent budget and specifically allocated for the implementation of OHS in flyover projects to improve working safety conditions.

Keywords: Flyover, OHS, Safety cost, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Topic: Civil Engineering


Conference: The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Alexander Muhammad Nicodemus)

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