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Tourism Value Chain Activities Model For Competitive Advantage Measurement
Filda Rahmiati (a*), Yunita Ismail (a), Grace Amin (a), Togar Simatupang (b), Dwi Larso (b)

a) Faculty of Business, President University
Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Jababeka Cikarang 17550, Indonesia
b) School of Business & Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Purpose- One way to create a competitive advantage by applying tourism value chain to coordinating all tourism players in providing distinct travel experience. However, past studies analyzing tourist experience explaining on tourism value chain activities is still limited. Hence, understanding Tourism Value Chain from a customer perspective is a valuable contribution in creating a value which aimed for competitive advantage. This study purpose at exploring and developing a model of tourism value chain activities for competitive advantage. Design, Methodology and Approach - Examining and matching the existing literature. To provide understandable in nature, and seeks to generate new interpretation in the field of tourism. This study tries to explore the three stages involve in tourism value chain activities experienced by tourist. Findings -This study created value chain activities for creating a competitive advantage model based on tourist perspective the tourism value chain activities start from pre-trip, trip, until post-trip and finally measured the performance along the chain. Future studies are expected in implementing tourism value chain activities model in specific tourism destinations (country) to measure the tourism experience with the aim on creating competitive advantage.

Keywords: Tourism Value Chain; Competitive Advantage; Tourist Experience; Tourist Perspective

Topic: Business Strategies on GVC Participation


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Trade (ICOT 2019)

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