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Improving Analytical Skill Students of Geography Education Department, Siliwangi University using “The Power of Two Learning” Strategy
Ely Satiyasih Rosali; Revi Mainaki

Siliwangi University


Analytical Skill for Students of Geography Education Department especially as a candidate for geography teachers are subtantial to expand sense of discovery in terms of content knowlledge, pedagogical content knowlledge dan technological pedagogical content knowlledge. Analytical Skill students of geography education departement, in Universitas Siliwangi according to the results in last semestre 2018 in a low classification (identification stage). Through a quantitative approach, the experimental method to 37 fourth semester students as a sample (50% from the population) was taken using the sample ramdom technique. To observe enhancement of analytical skills as an implication of the use of the power of two learning strategy, was used t test to analysis data from the results of previous studies and experiment test (pre dan post test). This strategy is carried out by the treatment stage are 1) giving a problem; 2) thinking and answer the problem, 3) make couple group, 4) couple discussion and answer dan 5) cross group couple discussion. The results of the t test show a significance of 0.437 with an error 0.05, meaning the hypothesis is accepted that the power of two learning strategies contribute to enhancement of student analysis skills.

Keywords: Analytical Skill, The Power of Two

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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