Rainwater Harvesting to Increase Freshwater Carrying Capacity On Small Island (Study Case : Pramuka Island) Pugar Septia Girdayanto (a*), Ahmad Munir (b)
a) Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea. Graduate School Building, Makassar, 90245. South Sulawesi, Indonesia b) Graduate School Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Tamalanrea. Graduate School Building, Makassar, 90245. South Sulawesi, Indonesia
After established as the Capital of Kepulauan Seribu Regency in 2003, Pramuka Island became one of the most populous small islands with rapid population growth and increasing tourism visit every year. However, it contributes to the high consumption of groundwater reserve as the main freshwater resources in Pramuka Island. Furthermore, the rainwater catchment area also decreases over the year as growing population trigger the conversion of the open area into building, concrete pavement, and asphalt road. Therefore, rainfall infiltration is blocked and the natural recovery process of groundwater reserve is terminated. As a result, unbalanced freshwater supply and demand have taken place for years because the main natural supply of freshwater in Pramuka Island are only groundwater and rainwater. Moreover, according to the research which was conducted by Cahyadi 2013, natural freshwater carrying capacity in Pramuka island has been overshot since there was no freshwater found in aquifer layer of Pramuka Island in the dry season. Consequently, Rain Water Harvesting is selected to fulfill freshwater supply in Pramuka Island since another option such as seawater desalination installation system is not feasible economically. Rain Water Harvesting is expected to improve freshwater resources carrying capacity in Pramuka Island by providing sufficient freshwater supply from rainwater. The forecast of Rain Water Harvesting Implementation in Pramuka Island for the next 30 years shows that the system can increase freshwater resources carrying capacity in Pramuka Island into 1,22. The estimated maximum supply of freshwater that could be provided by rainwater harvesting for the next 30 years would be applied as a recommendation in development plan and policy to limit tourism visit to ensure the sustainability of freshwater resource for inhabitants and ecosystem in Pramuka Island
Keywords: Carrying Capacity, Rain Water Harvesting, Small Island
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