Analyzing Students Loyalty through Service Quality; Commitment; and Reputation Ashomatul Fadlilah, Muhammad Khafid, Tusyanah Tusyanah
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Indonesia has a lot of higher education institutions. In 2017, based on data from the Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education (Ristek Dikti), the number of registered university reached up to 4,504 units. The high number of institutions of higher education makes tighter competition to get prospective students. One of prospective students to choose universities is influenced by references. References can be from students- loyalty. The purpose of this study is to analyze service quality, commitment and reputation as the determinants of students- loyalty. The population of this research were 5th semester students of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, they were 874 students. The samples were taken by proportional random sampling. Data were collected by distributing the questionnaires. Then, the data were analyzed by Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS 22.0. The results of the study showed that the research model meets the criteria of goodness of fit or the model is feasible. The effect magnitude of service quality on reputation was 46%. Then, the effect of commitment on reputation was 36.9%. Furthermore, the effects of reputation, commitment, and service quality on students- loyalty were 69.8%; 72.8%; and 58.3%. However; service quality and commitment had indirect effect on students- loyalty through reputation.
Keywords: Commitment, Service Quality, Students Loyalty, Reputation
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