Mathematical Modelling of Glycine max. (Soybean) Var. Anjasmoro Plant Growth Sparisoma Viridi (a), Pingkan Aditiawati (b), Shinta Palupi (b*), Priscila D. Primaresti (b), Mureen D. Samosir (b), Resi Rostiani (b)
a) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia b) School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia *shintajudono[at]
Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute has established basic procedure for cultivating soybean to reduce the problems regarding soybean yield in Indonesia. Using the established procedure, this study is conducted in order to define the mathematical model of Glycine max. (soybean) var. Anjasmoro plant growth. Physiological parameters such as plant height, number of leafs, flowering age, pods emerging age, plant mass, shoot to root ratio, number of pods, pod mass, total nitrogen content in plant tissue and growing media, and the water requirement during cultivation process are also being observed to obtain supporting data needed. Cultivation process is started by preparing inceptisol soil added with cow manure (with 2 tons/hectare dosage) before planting, and synthetic fertilizer in 3 weeks after plating (WAP) that consists of urea (with 25 kg/hectare), SP-36 (with 50 kg/hectare dosage), and KCl (with 75 kg/hectare dosage). Water supply is adjusted to the plant’s field capacity and is given manually once every two days. Plant’s field capacity is calculated using Blanney-Criddle method. Insecticide Matador with dosage of 1ml/L and fungicide Dithane with dosage of 3g/L are used for pest eradication during the cultivation process. Cultivation process is done using 2 main plots, each has 39 polybags. Plants and growing medium observation are done once every week within 13 weeks by taking samples from 3 polybags of each plot randomly chosen. During the cultivation process, average rate of total nitrogen content in growing medium varies from 0.20% to 4.01%, the lowest rate occurs before additional material added to soil, while the highest rate occurs at 1 WAP, in line with nitrogen fixing microbe population that is also on its highest rate at the same time. The average rate of total nitrogen content in plant tissue varies from 1.80% to 8.07%, with the lowest rate occurs at 8 WAP along with flower emergence, and the highest rate occurs at 4 WAP when the plant is still on its active vegetative phase. Total nitrogen content is affected by total population of nitrogen fixing microbe that varies from 0.27 x 106 CFU/ml to 16.87 x 106 CFU/ml. Average rate of water required by soybean plants during cultivation process varies from 0,4902mm/day to 3,8017mm/day, and it most strongly affects on plant’s vegetative phase, flower emergence phase, and pod filling phase. The mathematical model of Glycine max. (soybean) var. Anjasmoro plant growth based on its height increase is y = 91107ln(x) - 34.662, and based on its number of pods increase is y = 63.751ln(x) - 36.048.
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