Information Systems Strategic Planning for Healthcare Organizations using Ward and Peppard Model Yosep Septiana (*), Asri Mulyani, Dede Kurniadi
Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia *yseptiana[at]
Healthcare organizations can use differentiation and cost reduction strategies to gain a competitive advantage and can survive in fierce competition by implementing information system strategies. The research aims to build an information system for strategic planning in healthcare organizations. The information system strategic planning method used is the Ward and Peppard Model with a formulation framework and strategic planning process covering the stages of input, output, and evaluation of information system interpretation. The input stage includes an analysis of the business and information systems environment. Output stages include business information system, information system management strategies and information system strategies. The evaluation phase of information system interpretation is modified by the use of Balance Scorecard Information Technology, and the evaluation stages are carried out after the information system planning and application mapping so that the application portfolio is aligned with the corporate contribution perspective, user orientation, operational excellence, and future orientation. The result of this research produced a recommendation for healthcare organizations in the form of development priorities which include the establishment of an information system unit and the development of an application portfolio that will support the business processes sustainability
Keywords: Balance Scorecard; Healthcare; Information System; Strategic Plan; Ward and Peppard
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