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Pancasila Moral Values Inspired By Quran Moral Codes
Djumadi M.Anwar

University Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta
email djumadimanwar[at] tilp 0274 387646
Jl.Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Bantul,Yogyakarta


There is misperception that implementing Quran moral codes in social life does not guarantee that implementator are Pancasila supporters.The opposed perception is that whoever implementing islamic values in social life they could be considered as they have already been Pancasila supporters. The purpose of this manuscript is to find evidence that every single moral value name derived from Pancasila has philosophical meaning correlationship with several verses in the Quran. The focus of manuscript will be seeking evidences wether every single moral name derived from every sila Pancasila has philosophical meaning relationship with Quran moral codes.The method to finding answer is by comparing list of 45 Pancasila moral names against 150 moral code of do it and dont do it from the Quran. Conclution saying that implementing moral value Pancasila identical implementing parts of Quran moral codes. The consequency is implementing parts of islamic values of do it or dont do it means that the implementator can be regarded as Pancasila supporter. The possible impact is for the Indonesian muslims to have no need idea to change the Pancasila as state idiology because by nature implementing moral value of Pancasila identical implementing Quranic moral codes. In another words Pancasila it-self already islam. This is important finding to deradicalization program.

Keywords: pancasila, moral, verse of quran,

Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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