Mediated Family Communication : Conversation of children to parents does not provide a solution Tri Mahrunnisa (*), Sastiya Fairus Qorira, Eliffa Ashria, Rizki Fadila, Maulana Rezi Ramadhana
Communication Science, Telkom University, Jalan Telekomunikasi 1 Bandung, Indonesia *trimahrunnisaa[at]
Since changes caused by digital technology in everyday life, the pattern of family communication has become more complicated. With the presence of digital communication media (chat / texting) now it also provides an opportunity for children and parents in the family to exchange messages and have communication conversations, namely through computer mediation, this applies to any existing family communication pattern. The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes and digital conversation experiences between children to parents for each consensual, pluralistic, protective and laissez-faire family communication pattern. Two hundred and thirteen teenagers aged seventeen were involved in responding to surveys about digital conversation attitudes and family communication patterns. Childrens attitudes related to conversational experiences with parents are investigated by choices that have been formulated and analyzed quantitatively. The research findings reveal that all children who have all four family communication patterns address chat / texting conversations with parents do not provide solutions to childrens needs, but also found significant attitudinal differences from each type of family communication. The conclusion of the study shows that the family communication climate affects childrens attitudes in conducting digital conversations. Directions for the future are offered to explore the concept of mediated family communication patterns.
Keywords: Computer-mediated communication; Understanding conversation; Family Communication Pattern; Teenagers; Parents
Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies
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