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Hypertension Management on Patient with Hypertension In Puskesmas Bantul I, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Erfin Firmawati, Anisa Nurul Amiatun, Sirli Agustiani, Ihda Fitria Al fathin, Resti Yulianti Sutrisno

Nursing School Program, Faculty of Medicine and health Sciences, Universitas Muhamamdiyah Yogyakarta


Hypertension is cardiovascular disease that need right hypertension management because it can prevent serious complications. Hypertension managements are diet management and stress management. The aim of this research is to know the description of hypertension management include diet of low salt and low fat, and stress management in hypertensive patient in Puskesmas Bantul I. This research design was quantitative descriptive with crosssectional and data analysis used univariate. Sample of this research was 48 respondents. Sampling technique was purposive sampling. Research instrument used diet recall and questionnaire stress management of hypertensive patient. Result showed that the majority respondent has good diet hypertension of low salt (58,4%), enough (10,4%), and less (4,2%); good diet low fat (62,5%), enough (27,1%), and less (10,4%); also respondent has good stress management (95,8%) and enough (4,2%). The majority of hypertensive patient in Puskesmas Bantul I have good hypertension diet (diet of low salt and diet of low fat) and good stress management. Furthermore, hypertensive patients able to maintain diet management and stress management to keep blood pressure to be controlled.

Keywords: Hypertension, management

Topic: International Conference on Nursing


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (erfin firmawati)

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