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Landscape Architectural Design of Girimekar Village as A Mean to Social Change
Runik Machfiroh, Donny Trihanondo

Telkom University


This paper tries to explain the architectural landscape of Girimekar village, within a Corporate Social Responsibility project of Country Owned Corporation and a Higher Education institution located in Bandung. This Research is aimed to examine the social behavior and the role of architectural design in its part in social change. The methodology used in this research is Participation Rural Apraisal (PRA) method. The preliminary findings are that social behavior has a role within architectural space. The research is still ongoing, and further research data are needed to proof consistency in other villages.

Keywords: Landscape Architectural Design, Social Behaviour, Social Change, Social Responsibility

Topic: Architecture


Conference: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Donny Trihanondo)

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