Development of Drone Applications for Enhancing Emergency Medical Services During and After Disasters in Indonesia Muhammad Luthfi Naufal1, 2, 4, Ratna Susana2, 3, 4, Soegijardjo Soegijoko2, 3, 4
[1]. Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung [2]. Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES) [3]. Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung [4]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Background: Indonesia is a disaster prone country, such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, and man-made forest fires. After typical disaster, emergency medical services are needed, but a number of challenges should be overcome. Meanwhile, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) have been available in the country to help overcoming these challenges and enhancing the medical services in need. Purpose: The research has the following objectives: To review the technical specifications and capabilities of different types of drones currently available in the market. To enhance and newly develop derived disaster applications, especially drones with camera. To design and develop new disaster applications for enhancing emergency medical services. Method: To carefully review the technical specifications of the existing drones suitable for disaster applications and emergency medical services. To design and develop drone applications for enhancing emergency medical services, particularly related to do preliminary aerial survey and transmitting the acquired images to the medical team, as well as to significantly enhance specific emergency medical services after disasters. Results: Based on our experience in working with currently available drones, we are pretty sure that the preliminary aerial survey mission could be achieved. More specific drone applications for carrying important emergency medical logistics will need further design steps and field experiments. Conclusions: Encouraging results on the drone applications for enhancing the emergency medical services during & after disasters are very much expected. When the maximum payload is below 1 kg, important emergency medical logistics such as medicines, vaccines and blood packs could also be achieved.
Keywords: drone, uav, emergency, paramedics, medical logistics, disaster
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