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Optimization of Geophysical Method Performance in Iron Ore Exploration
Ulva Ria Irfan¹, Hendra Pachri¹, A. Ilham Samanlangi² and Hasrianto³

¹Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Gowa 92119, Indonesia
E-mail: ulvairfan[at]; E-mail: hendrapachri[at]

²Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Bosowa University, Makassar 90231, Indonesia
E-mail: andhis1971[at]

³Geology Engineering Magister Study Program, Department of Geological Engineering, Postgraduate Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Gowa 92119, Indonesia
E-mail: hasri_asho82[at]


Exploration of mineral resources requires support from geophysical methods to describe the subsurface conditions of an area identified as containing potential minerals. Inaccuracies in the application of methods in geophysics can result in losses caused by the calculation of reserves from deposit models that are less precise. This research aims to optimize the performance of iron ore exploration methods that integrate the geoelectrical with the geomagnetic method. The study was conducted in the Ogololo Sub-District, Sojol District, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi. In this area, exploration has been carried out the geoelectrical method which results in overlapping values between the host rock granodiorite with iron ore respectively 685.7 - 7671.1Ωm and 170 - 1146Ωm. Simulation of the geoelectrical method with two-line and geomagnetic by making a test pit to optimize the interpretation of the results of the two methods. Simulation results obtained the resistivity value of gabbro (2790.1- 13098.2Ωm), granite (685.7 - 7671.1Ωm), diorite (374.2 Ωm. - 5291.8Ωm), hematite (745.4 - 140303.9Ωm) and magnetite (170 - 5807.2Ωm). Positive and negative double anomaly patterns were obtained from geomagnetic simulation results. Validation of the simulation results was carried out on a five-line measurement and analysis of iron ore levels using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method. The measurement results obtained by one line that contained iron ore with a resistivity of 600 - 8938.7Ωm and geomagnetic result show multiple anomalies patterns ranging from -650nT to +1700nT, and iron ore content of 61.09 - 97.12%.

Keywords: Optimization; Iron Ore; Geomagnetic; Geoelectrical; Anomaly Pattern

Topic: Technology


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

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