Examining Construct of Smart City and Public Service Quality Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Case in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Musran Munizu, Syamsu Alam, Armayah, Muhammad Asdar, Nurdin Brasit
Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, KM.10, Tamalanrea, Makassar - Indonesia 90245
Information technology is one of important organizational resources that affected service performance either in private sector or public sectors. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze important factors that influenced variable of smart city implementation as well as public service quality. This study was conducted both in South Sulawesi Province, especially Makassar City and Parepare City. Target population are residents or users of public services in education, health, and population administration in the past one month. The number of samples were 284 people. Method of analyses used includes descriptive statistical analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Data is processed by using software of AMOS 24. The results showed that factors of smart governance and smart society were important factors that influenced variable of smart city implementation. Then, procedure and service time were important factors that influenced variable of public services quality in South Sulawesi.
Keywords: Smart city, Public service quality, Information technology, Indonesia
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