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Education 4.0: The Role of Knowledge Transfer In Improving Business At Bengkayang District, Border Area

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Shanti Bhuana


The purpose of this paper is to discuss how knowledge transfer in improving business in Bengkayang district. Information management is one of the things that must be faced by disadvantaged regions, especially in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Bengkayang District is one of the areas directly adjacent to Malaysia so there are many cross-country businesses. In this era of industrial revolution, the Government has the program making Indonesia 4.0 that is ranked as the 10th largest economist in the world. One factor that needs to be improved is the quality of human resources. However, the quality of the resources owned by Bengkayang district is minimal because of the lack of education quality. This research was conducted based on observations and in-depth interviews at an elementary school located in one of the villages in Bengkayang district. The results of this study are the quality of human resources is very influenced by the quality of education and the quality of education is strongly influenced by the process of knowledge transfer applied in schools.

Keywords: Knowledge Transfer, Industrial Revolution 4.0, Making Indonesia 4.0, education, quality of human resources

Topic: Education Management and Learning Innovation


Conference: The 3rd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Priska Vasantan)

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