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THERMITS: A MATLAB program to process Thermomagnetic data
Rinta Bi Tari Erdyanti (a), Muhammad Archie Antareza (b), Kevin Dwimanggala Tjiongnotoputera (c), Mariyanto Mariyanto (d)

Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya


Thermomagnetic analysis is a study of how a material react to the change in temperature. The analysis is conducted by either cooling or heating the material and observing the change of magnetic moment. Through this observation, the Curie Temperature of a material can be obtained. This Curie Temperature is used to estimate the magnetic minerals contained in samples e.g. rocks, sediments, soils. This paper introduces THERMITS, a novel MATLAB program for analyzing the thermomagnetic data acquired. There are several approaches used in this program. The first approach is by plotting magnetic moment (M) against temperature (T). For some data, the Curie Temperature can directly be perceived by observing this plot alone. However, other data need to be processed further in order to obtain its Curie Temperature. The data are processed through the other approaches, which are by plotting the first derivative and the second derivative of M against T. After determining the Curie Temperature through analyzing the trends of the graphs, mineral types can be estimated. We also provide plotting the difference between M of heating and cooling (ΔM) and its first and second derivative against T that might be useful for further analysis.

Keywords: : THERMITS, Curie Temperature, thermomagnetic, magnetic, MATLAB

Topic: Computation and Other Related Field


Conference: International Conference on Electromagnetism, Rock Magnetism and Magnetic Material (ICER3M 2019)

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