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Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems in E-Commerce to Increase Satisfaction Regarding Applications among Customers
1M M Purwaningwulan 2A Z Abidin

1Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi ,Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Teknik dan IlmuKomputer, UniversitasKomputer Indonesia, Indonesia


This study aims to see the development of technology and communication that increasingly demands humans to act faster by paying attention to efficiency and effectiveness. as a company engaged in infrastructure, especially road repairs. The goal expected from this research is to build a knowledge management information system, a system used to store and utilize knowledge possessed by employees so as to facilitate employees to find solutions to problems faced. The method used by observation, interview. This study shows that the application of knowledge management systems is the solution of existing companies. according to research I know about knowledge management. The conclusion that the company needs knowledge management that runs within the company to facilitate the company itself

Keywords: development, technology

Topic: Electrical and Computer Engineering


Conference: 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ali Zaenal Abidin)

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