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Riska Yuli Nurvianthi (a*), Sitti Bulkis (b), Hasbi (c)

a. Regional Development Planning / Youth Leadership Management. Graduate School of Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
*Email: Riskayulinurvianthi[at]
b.Department of Agricultural Sociology & Food Security, Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.
c. Sociology Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science. Hasanuddin University.
Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10. Makassar, South Sulawesi.


Abstract The number of drug-related youths in South Sulawesi but not many in-depth studies related to the case so that researchers are interested in more in-depth assessments. This research has a purpose of how to know the profile of youth in the abuse of hard drugs as drugs in South Sulawesi. This research is a qualitative study described in a description and implemented in BNN Baddoka Makassar as a rehabilitation center for government. The results found that youth ranging from 17 to 23 years old,not being merried, having minimal and mistaken knowledge about the drug, primarly the hard drung being abused becomes the easy tarhet of the drug trap. The hard drug, eniromental habit, peer influence, closed family relationship not being harmonious, the characterized millennial youth (wishing something different from what exists), drug price being relatively cheap. The rehabilitation procces carried out intwo stages medical and social treatments becomes the rehabilitation procces is filled with various activities to change from the internal worshipping diligently. The external behavior is the inter-human sensitivity, wishing to listen and being open- minded. It is necessary for the South Sulawesi government and BPOM to design the acts related to the hard drug supervision and circulation or all drugs having the indication of being addict in order that they can not be circulated carelessly in any place. The penalties and deterrent effects on certain effects / parties focus on the parents and teachers-styles for the behavior formation, children-s behavior and relationships, stricter supervision and arrest on the drug pushers in illegal market, and closure of the drug industry.

Keywords: Youth, profile, hard drug abuse, narcotics, Baddoka BNN residents

Topic: Health and Risk


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Amanda Pricella Putri)

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