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Dana Desa for Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges for Breaking Poverty Caused by Cultural Belief System
Yelladys Nuring Alifagusta (a*), Didik Gunawan Suharto (b), Rutiana Dwi Wahyuningsih (b)

a) Post-graduate student of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
b) Lecturer of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia


Disaster has an impact on the increasing community vulnerability. Vulnerability is positively correlated with poverty risk. The risk of poverty will increase if traditional societies perpetuate a cultural belief system in which people depend on help of others. To break the dependency culture circle, the government seeks to do disaster risk reduction (DRR). Dana Desa are one of the policies that support the implementation of DRR because carry the theme of village development within sustainable development framework. This article aims to discuss further how dana desa can break the cultural system of dependence on the community so can decrease vulnerability and poverty. The method used a literature review. The results show that dana desa policies are consistent in encouraging the use of dana desa for sustainable development for DRR-based. This is evidenced by the presence of programs related to the development of community and institutional capacity, the provision of cooperation in risk and disaster management, and programs that facilitate the strengthening of productive economies in disaster-prone areas. With community capacity, community resilience to disasters also increases so that people can empower themselves and not depend on other peoples assistance.

Keywords: Dana Desa, Disaster Risk Reduction, Poverty, Cultural Belief System, Sustainable Development

Topic: Sustainable Development Goals


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Yelladys Nuring Alifagusta)

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