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Local Wisdom of land Opening by the Siak malay Community before 1945
Maria Maya L, Ledy Diana, Erdiansyah

Law Faculty, Universitas Riau


Abstract: Every year land fires on pet land occur in Riau Province, especially in Siak Regency. The habits of opening land by the Community has always been the reason for the fire. Siak before Indonesia independence in 1945 in terms of opening land. Using an empirical method of conducting interviews with traditional leaders and perpetrators of land burning who are still alive. The results of the indigenous people of Malay Siak in the past did not damage nature. The community burns the land without cusing air pollution and without damaging the surrounding land. The responsibility and respect of the land owner for his land is carried out by supervising and limiting the fire on his land to not affect his neighboring land. Land celaring rules are not only in the form of customary norms but also followed by magical elements so that the burned land can be controlled.

Keywords: Fire, Peet Land, Local Wisdom

Topic: Environmental


Conference: Riau Annual Meeting on Law and Social Sciences (RAMLAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Maria Maya Lestari)

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