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Development of learning tools physics problem based learning model with PhET assistance to improve the ability of critical thinking of junior high school students
Noky Rendy Kapelle, Budi Jatmiko and Munasir

Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Program Studi Pendidikan Sains


The purpose of this research is to produce physic learning device regarding to the material of dynamic electricity by using problem based learning (PBL) assisted by PhET in guiding critical thinking skill of junior high school students. The objective details are generating the validity of learning tools developed through PBL model as well as teaching materials for students and student activity sheets, resulting the practice of instructional tools developed through PBL model, analyzing and describing the effectiveness of learning tools developed through PBL assisted by PhET reviewed by students- critical thinking skill after the application of PBL model assisted by PhET to strengthen students- critical thinking skill. Research and Development is a type of research used with 4D as the model and one group pretest posttest design. Data collection in this research is by using validation, questionnaire, test, and observation while the technique of data analysis is using quantitative descriptive analysis. The instruments developed are lesson plans, student worksheets, critical thinking skills tests and PhET simulation media for experiments. The final result in this result is to bring on a valid, practical and effective learning instrument in order to drill students- critical thinking skill on the subject of dynamic electricity.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Critical Thinking Skill

Topic: Science Education


Conference: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

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