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Band gap control of bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon by direction of magnetic moment
Teguh Budi Prayitno, Riser Fahdiran

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


We have demonstrated the first-principles calculation to tune the band gap of bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon by arranging the direction of magnetic moments of carbon atom at the edges. This direction was specified by the polar angle as defined in the spherical coordinates. From the ferromagnetic configuration to the antiferromagnetic configuration, as the polar angle increases the band gap increases. We also showed that the ferromagnetic configuration leads to the metallic system while the others leads to the insulator, in a good agreement with previous calculations. This results indicated that the bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon is potential for the spintronics devices.

Keywords: Graphene nanoribbon, band gap, first-principles calculations

Topic: Physics


Conference: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

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