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The Role of Public Private Partnerships in Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Bandung City
Lia Muliawaty

Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung


Most major cities in Indonesia face relatively similar problems, namely the existence of limited infrastructure and limited government costs. Whereas the existence of infrastructure is absolutely essential for various activities such as business, administrative, social, tourism and other activities. The same problem also faced by government of Bandung City. One way to deal with the above problems is by cooperating with the private sector, namely using investment from the private sector in order to provide the infrastructures. The partnership program between the government and the private sector is known as Public-Private Partnership (PPP). There are many PPP programs, for example, the Build Operation Transfer (BOT) program which is considered suitable for long-term investment and sustainable infrastructure development. In order to realize a city based on the concept of the target of sustainable development goals (SDGs), the role of PPP is very important. However, the target SDGs are complex, require sustainability, require multiple perspectives, and scientific disciplines. Therefore, the role of PPP in building the infrastructures of the city of Bandung based on the SDGs concept is a necessity.

Keywords: Infrastructure, City, PPP, Sustainable Development Goals

Topic: Public Administration


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Lia Muliawaty Djunaedi)

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