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Needs Analysis of Disseminate Handbook Based on Guided Inquiry in Animal Physiology Subject
Rina Widiana (a*), Diana Susanti (a), Silvi Susanti (a), Ramadhan Sumarmin (b)

a.Biology eduation , STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25111, Indonesia
b. Biology departement of FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Padang, 25131


The development of Guided Inquiry-based animal physiology guides has been developed with very valid, practical and effective results. For the handbook to be used by all universities, it is necessary to stage disseminate guided inquiry-based animal physiology handbooks. This is because the handbook of animal physiology developed is able to form concepts and theories and also breaks down, assembles, compares and modifies the physiological processes of body through practice activities. The purpose of this study is to guide and guide guided inquiry-based physiology. This research is development research, using a 4 D model. This stage of research is disseminated. Data was obtained using questionnaires given to lecturers, student, assistants involved in lectures on animal physiology. Data is processed with descriptive analysis. The results showed that disseminate analysis was needed for the development of guided inquiry-based physiology handbook with a value of 88.77%. It is necessary to conclude that the needs analysis of disseminate inquiry into physiology-based animal physiology is needed.

Keywords: Disseminte, Handbook, guided inquiry, animal physiology

Topic: Biology Education


Conference: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2019)

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