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Assessing Government-s Social-Environmental Accountability in Industry 4.0 Era: A review of Indonesian Setting
Habib Muhammad Shahib; Eko G. Sukoharsono; M. Achsin; Yeney W. Prihatiningtias

Doctoral Program in Accounting Science, Universitas Brawijaya


This paper presents a review related to how society, in industry 4.0 era, evaluates and criticizes the government-s social-environmental accountability issues in the Indonesian setting. In doing so, this paper introduces the political economy of accountability (PEAc) theoretical view in discussing the way society criticize and make a social movement in social media network upon the governments failure to account the social-environmental problems. The paper found that society needs an alternative way of assessing the government-s accountability, especially in facing a flood of information that often covers the substance of an issue in the digital era today. Thus, mapping and measuring the social media conversation by using an app could be a worth solution to test the reliability of government accountability information on social-environmental issues.

Keywords: Accountability, Indonesia, Social, Environmental, Social-Media

Topic: Accounting


Conference: The 1st Annual Management, Business and Economic Conference (AMBEC 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Habib Muhammad Shahib)

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