Universitas Komputer Indonesia Universitas Padjadjaran
This research aims to analyze the entrepreneurial ecosystem in universities. The research uses a qualitative approach with a type of exploratory research. The source of primary data is obtained through in-depth interviews and direct observation in the field. The secondary data sources are obtained and collected from the compilation and processing of data in the form of research results, scientific articles, publications, and documents related to the object of this research. The results of the study indicate that there are several components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem that can support the growth of new entrepreneurs in universites. The components include the existence of a business incubator center, the establishment of an entrepreneurial center, the existence of an independent entrepreneurial program, the existence of an impact entrepreneur program, the development of entrepreneurial student programs, and entrepreneurship priority. Several strategies were implemented to further create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in universities, including curriculum policies in each study program, improving the quality of entrepreneurship lecturers, product acceleration program downstreaming research, collaborating with other institutions, and providing best entrepreneurship. However, from some of these components, there are still not optimal roles, namely: curriculum application in each study program, optimization of the role of business incubator centers, the collaboration between faculties, and collaboration with banking institutions.
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