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Integrated Science Learning Development of Model Inquiry Training Based on Comics
Fitriani,1 M. B. Harahap2, N.Bukit2

1 Doctoral Student Program of Universitas Negeri Medan ,Indonesia
2Departement of Physics Universitas Negeri Medan ,Indonesia
Corresponding author ,Email : nurdinbukit5[at]


This research aims to get product of learning device of science. The research method which is a research and development (R & D) research with the model of Gall, Gall and Borg. This study finds integrated Science learning model of comic based student books. This product has been validated by a team of experts stating that the ingredients have been performed in accordance with appropriate methods and procedures for needs analysis, planning, evaluation and stages for using the materials for the study. The results of trials on the use of product results that have a real impact on student learning outcomes. The implications of the findings of this study provide inspiration and rolemodel for other teachers in designing their learning materials

Keywords: Integrated Learning, Inquiry Training, Comics

Topic: Physics related sciences


Conference: The 4th International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Application (ICAPMA 2019)

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