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Aware or not aware, we live in the millennial era that is a continuation era of the global era.Of course, as the era progesses, there are many social problems and new challenges that we must deal wisely. So that, it can turn into a golden opportunity in todays live. Challenges that arise should be utilisezed as well as possible with an optimistic attitude to be good luck for everyone who does it seriously. We agree that the millennial era is an era that is united and inseparable from the use of digital technology and even tends to go beyond the computer era, so that many experts think hard to reach a solution to the challenge. The current millennial era has the characteristics of the post modern era and the era of globalization, which is marked by the existence of fierce competition due to the free market demands for more just, egalitarian, humane and democratic treatment, as a result of political fragmentation, political hegemony, as result of interdependence, we must learn again from the progress of science and technology and the existence of moral decadence. Education must able to answer the challenges of the millennial era teachers are required to be creative using technology as learning resource learning media and the process of teaching and learning activities. Teachers in the millennial era must be literate in IT and technology. The reason for the problem is that young or old teachers have the same responsibility in educating the nations live according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. The millennial era is not obstacle, theachers must address this millennial era as a challenge towards the advancement of education. One learning model that has been applied by several communities is an e learning model. E learrning is a learning model that is facilitated and supported by information technology and communication.This thought intentionally the author put forward in an effort to explore the potencial contained in education and its correlation in order to answer the challenges of the millennial era.

Keywords: Education, Millennial Era, Challenge and its Answers.

Topic: Other


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Sodikin Jarkasih)

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