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Estimation of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Livestock Sector by using ALU tool: West Java case
Zuratih (1*), Yeni Widiawati (2)

1) Indonesian Centre for Animal Research and Development
Jalan Pajajaran Kav E59, Bogor 16128, Indonesia
2) Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production
Jalan Veteran III Ciawi, Bogor 16720


Livestock sector contributes to the increase of global warming through gas released from enteric fermentation and manure management. National estimation still used manual calculation. The aim of this study was to estimate the contribution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock sector by using ALU tool version 6.0.1, in West Java Province for year 2016 as the case study. The emissions were calculated by using Tier-1 and Tier-2 methodologies. Data used were livestock population and emission factors (EF) of CH4 and N2O of any livestock. The results showed that emission from enteric fermentation was 94.754 Gg CH4/year or 2,368.850 Gg CO2e/year with the highest emission from sheep (50.194 Gg CH4/year or 1,254.850 Gg CO2/year). While emission of CH4 from manure was 6,767 Gg CH4/year or 169,175 Gg CO2e/year with the highest emission from dairy cattle (2,870 Gg CH4/year or 71,750 Gg CO2e/year) and direct N2O emissions from manure was 0.366 Gg N2O/year or 109.138 Gg CO2e/year with the highest emission from sheep (0.189 Gg N2O/year or 56.212 Gg CO2e/year). As a conclusion, total emissions from the livestock sector in West Java Province are 2,647.163 Gg CO2e/year with the largest emissions from enteric fermentation (2,368.850 Gg CO2e/year). In conclusion that ALU tool is applicable to estimate GHG emission for Livestock in Indonesia, with has limited data available.

Keywords: Greenhouse Gas emission, Livestock, West Java Province, ALU Tools

Topic: Feeds, feeding, and animal nutrition


Conference: Internasional Conference on Animal Industry in the Tropics (ICAIT 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Zuratih Zuratih)

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