On supporting mathematics student teachers- skill in designing geometric problems: Applying design research through lesson study Sri Rejeki (a*), Isnaeni Umi Machromah (a), Christina Kartika Sari (a), Nuqthy Faiziyah (a)
a) Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Jl. Ahmad Yani Tromol Pos 1, Jawa Tengah 57162, Indonesia *sri.rejeki[at]ums.ac.id
In designing mathematics problems, mathematics student teachers sometimes do not notice the criteria which should be considered. Therefore, this study aims at supporting mathematics student teachers- skill in designing mathematics problems, particularly in geometry for junior high school. Design research is the research approach used in this study. This study involves all students at the department of mathematics education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, who took teaching mathematics for junior high school. A set of learning activities consisted of three meetings was designed collaboratively through lesson study. The data collection was conducted using students- written work and video registration. The data was analysed by confronting the hypothetical learning trajectory and the actual learning. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the learning activities designed, support mathematics students teachers- skill in designing geometric problems. The first meeting gives overview on both students- errors in solving geometric problems and teachers- errors in designing geometric problems. The second meeting emphasizes the skills in both designing geometric problems and predicting students- responses. The third activity gives notions on confronting the prediction of students- responses and students- actual responses. Moreover, the stages of lesson study applied improve both the lessons designed and the learning activities.
Keywords: Geometric problems, Design research, Lesson study
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