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The Use of Saponification of Animal and Vegetable Oils in the Ration on The Physical Quality of Sheep Meat on Biceps femoris Muscles
Riyanto , J (a*)., S. D. Widyawati (a), W.P.S. Suprayogi (a), and A. K. Wati (a)

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Acceptance and level of preference for sheep meat are influenced by the physical quality of the meat. This study aimed to know the effect of the use of animal oil saponification (lemuru fish oil: LFO) and vegetable oil (palm oil: PO) which was added to the ration on the physical quality of sheep meat. Twelve male local sheep were randomly divided into 3 ration treatments; P0: control ration (40% king grass : 60% concentrate), P1: 40% king grass + 57% concentrated + 3% saponified LFO and P2: 40% grass king + 57% concentrate + 3% saponified PO. Each treatment consisted of 3 replications. The observed variables were a physical quality of meat (pH, cooking losses, tenderness, collagen). The data obtained were analyzed by variance analysis and real difference test between treatments. The results showed that the use of LFO and PO was not a significant effect on the physical quality of meat (pH, cooking losses, tenderness, collagen). It can be concluded that the use of animal and vegetable oil saponification cannot improve the physical quality of sheep meat.

Keywords: Saponification of Animal, Vegetable Oils , Ration , Physical quality, Sheep meat, Biceps femoris

Topic: Feeds, feeding, and animal nutrition


Conference: Internasional Conference on Animal Industry in the Tropics (ICAIT 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Joko Riyanto)

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