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Promoting Tropical Architecture by Implementing Design Control in Zoning Regulation
Fachmy Sugih Pradifta, Ishma Umni Afiya

Universitas Islam Bandung


The Age of Globalization has led to uniformity on the image of the city. The ubiquitous “modern” glass and steel building with air conditioning has dissociated the local climate and cultural context. Kenneth Frampton, with his postulate of Critical Regionalism, saw this phenomenon as the destruction of the creative nucleus of a great civilization and great culture. Postcolonial countries, like Indonesia which inherit colonial cities, facing issues to define their identity, namely in terms of performing Tropical Architecture principles and how to enforce it institutionally. The architectural design of the private building has been seen as a private domain that cannot be regulated, thus the owner needs to present themselves through their building as a "modern and progressive" company cannot be restricted. This paper tries to examine how urban planning can help to actualize modern tropical city images by implement supporting regulations. A qualitative approach with stakeholder analysis is conducted to seek the opportunity to implement design control by a municipal government that met with the building owner-s interest. A case study of Landscaping for Urban Spaces and High-Rises (LUSH) Programme from Singapore-s Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) also studied to learn the success story. The result is that a design control, to achieve a more contextual approach in architecture design practice, could be performed in the building permit application process by zoning regulations technique with incentive and bonus schemes.

Keywords: Tropical architecture, critical regionalism, urban design control, zoning regulation

Topic: Architecture


Conference: The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)

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