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Greenways Model as a support of Makassar Smart City
Cahyani (a*), Baharuddin Hamzah (b), Edward Syarif (b)

a) Master Program Student, Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.
b) Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University.


The problems that occur in Makassar City explain that the existing open green space does not meet the standards of the Ministry of PUPR, where for the urban scale the proportion of green open space is 30% while Makassar City only has green open area of 13%. One of which is part of the green space is the greenways. This study aims to determine how to model the greenways in the city of Makassar with the concept of smart city. This study uses a quantitative method that focuses on the role of the greenways model supported by statistical structural analysis techniques Equational Modeling. To get the greenways model to support Makassar Smart City, the theory was tested using questionnaire data with SEM statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that the greenways model as a support for the Makassar Smart City depicted in the form of a path diagram is declared to be appropriate and meets the criteria based on established Goodnes of Fit standards, so the hypothesis stating the greenways indicators is a reference to constructs that can be said to be appropriate, where the model is a relationship of elongated, ecological, functional and recreational greenways criteria. An important role in this research is the concept of data-based greenways in supporting the concept of Makassar City as a smart city and environmentally sustainable.

Keywords: Model Greenways; Smart City; Makassar

Topic: Urban & Transportation Sustainability


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Cahyani Suhardi)

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