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Edutainment with the volcanic media for childrens language development in group B at TK X Kamal, Bangkalan
Dwi Nurhayati Adhani M.Psi (a), Ainin Shofiyah S.Pd(b)

(a)Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
(b)TK Dian Ceria Surabaya


This study aims to look at the development of language owned by group B children in TK X Kamal, Bangkalan by using edutainment. On the implementation of using mountain media erupted by performing a volcanic eruption process simulation. Learning about volcanic eruptions is expected to be able to recognize the surrounding environment, and explain the symptoms of nature. This study uses quantitative descriptive research to determine the number of students who can describe the process of erupting the mountain verbally. The location of this study was conducted at TK X kamal Bangkalan with a total of 16 students. The results of this study were to look at the language development of children in group B in explaining natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions.

Keywords: Edutainment, Language development

Topic: International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

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