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Iwan Setiajie Anugrah and Sri Wahyuni

Indonesian Center for Agricultural Socioeconomic and Policy Studies


One of The Indonesian government effort to achieve the community food security, is through Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) or the Indonesian Farmers Shop which is shorthen the supply chain beside stabilize the price and the supply of basic food. To get maximum achievement, indicators of achiefmen have been designed by the Food Security Agency - Ministry of Agriculture. To reach better performance of TTI, research on the implementation of the program were conducted during 2018 in Banten, West and Central Java Provinces with total samples of 43 TTI. The information were collected from secondary and primary data, than Analyzed qualitatively. This paper presented the performance of TTI in providing: 1) Easy Access; 2) Stability of the supply and Price; 3) Efficiency in Supply Chain and 4) Strategy for better TTI performance. The results: 1) TTI only provide 0.073 percent of the nationals rice need. 2) TTI cannot support the stabilization of rice prices, because of the very low contribution and no continues availability, eventhough the rice price in TTI in 2017 Rp9.450 compare to local market Rp10.700. 3) TTI activities had shorthen the supply chain of rice from 7 actors to 4 actors. 4) Strategy to Improve TTI performance includes programs socialization, consumer criteria, provide assistance for the program who monitore the product quantity and quality. The Policy implications: 1) Intensively socialize the program; 2) Define the consumers criteria; 3) Maintaint The continuity of the rice availability and 3) developed TTI in wider areas.

Keywords: TTI, supply chain, rice and Actors

Topic: Business Strategies on GVC Participation


Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Trade (ICOT 2019)

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