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I Dewa Gde Agung Peradnyana, Simon Nahak, I Ketut Widia

Magister of Law, Universitas Warmadewa


Community welfare is the goal of the State, to strive with the utmost effort to advance the economy of the community with one of the ways to bring in investors to open businesses in Indonesia. The presence of both foreign and national investors, besides being proven to make the community more prosperous, turned out to create new legal problems in the field. In this study addressed two issues namely how to Setting Norms in the formation of Regulatory Region of Bali No. 1 Year 2016? and how the procedure of establishment of applicable local Bali No. 1 Year 2016 Against investment climate? This type of research is the normative legal research because there are indications of the occurrence of konfilk the norm especially no indication of inconsistencies Between Article 1 point 7 Regulation Areas of Bali No. 1 Year 2016 About Granting incentives and/or ease To the community and/or Investor with article 1 point 4 Act No. 25-year 2007 about Investing. The approach to the problem of this research is more about getting legal material through literature review. the relevant ones are reviewed in depth, then supporting literature is also analyzed so that the required legal material becomes valid. The problem that is suspected to be an obstacle to the entry of investors is, regulatory uncertainty that often overlaps between regulations from the central government and regulations made in the regions in the form of regulations and implementing regulations.

Keywords: policy, establishment of local regulations, investment climate

Topic: Law in tourism


Conference: 1st International Conference on Tourism, Management and Technology (ICTMT 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mirsa Umiyati)

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