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Correlation Study of Physical Activity and Menstruation Cycle on Biology College Students
Yulilina Retno Dewahrani dan Annisa Luthfiani

Universitas Negeri Jakarta
email: yulilinaretno[at]


The main gynecological problems among women, especially adolescents, are disorders of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is the decay of the uterine wall which causes bleeding that is influenced by hormones, occurs repeatedly and forms cycles. The menstrual cycle is influenced by hormonal, psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, and stress, and lifestyle such as nutrition and physical activity. This study aims to determine the positive relationship between physical activity and the menstrual cycle in female college students of Biology, Jakarta State University. The study was conducted at the Jakarta State University in October-November 2018. The method used was descriptive method with correlational studies. The number of research samples is 177 female college students. The prerequisite test results show that data were normally distributed and homogeneous. The results of hypothesis testing indicate there is a positive relationship between physical activity and the menstrual cycle, physical activity provides a considerable contribution to the menstrual cycle. The conclusion of this study is that there is a positive relationship between physical activity and the menstrual cycle.

Keywords: college student, menstrual cycle, physical activity

Topic: Biology


Conference: The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

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